Projectors in Museums vs Art Galleries

January 24, 2022

Projectors in Museums vs Art Galleries

Projectors have become an increasingly popular tool in museums and art galleries to display exhibits and installations. But how do these institutions differ in their usage of projection technology? Let's take a closer look.


Museums often use projectors to display informational videos or images related to exhibits. This can be helpful in providing additional context to visitors and enhancing their educational experience. In addition, projectors are often used in immersive exhibitions, such as 360-degree shows or interactive displays.

According to a survey conducted by the American Alliance of Museums, 67% of responding museums reported using digital projectors in their exhibits. Additionally, the survey found that 47% of responding museums planned to increase their use of digital technology in the next five years.

Art Galleries

Art galleries, on the other hand, typically use projectors for art installations and exhibitions. This includes displaying video art, projections on walls or other surfaces, and interactive installations. Projectors can also be used to create dynamic lighting effects or to illuminate individual pieces of artwork.

In a survey conducted by Art Basel and UBS, it was found that 82% of responding galleries used projectors in at least one of their exhibitions. However, only 6% of galleries reported using projectors in every exhibition, indicating a more selective usage of technology in the art world.


In both museums and art galleries, projectors can be a powerful tool in enhancing the visitor experience and creating immersive exhibitions. However, the usage of projectors differs significantly between the two institutions, with museums typically using projectors for educational purposes and art galleries using them for artistic installations.

It's worth noting that the numbers provided in this comparison reflect only a portion of museums and art galleries and are not necessarily representative of the industry as a whole. Additionally, each institution may use projectors differently depending on their individual mandates and objectives.


  1. "The Use of Technology in Museums", American Alliance of Museums, 2017.
  2. "The Art Basel and UBS Global Art Market Report 2021", Art Basel and UBS, 2021.

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